Walla Walla Valley Bands Ensembles

Concert Band
The Concert Band makes up the core of the Walla Walla Valley Bands’ program and is its flagship ensemble. This is a full symphonic band numbering upwards of 80 instrumentalists and playing a variety of genres and grade levels. Repertoire includes traditional, contemporary and popular music.
Mill Creek Jazz Ensemble
The Mill Creek Jazz Ensemble consists of traditional jazz big band instrumentation. Genres include swing, funk, Latin, blues and rock.
Members are placed into the group based on instrumental sound characteristics, as the band works to achieve a balanced, blended sound. The advanced nature of the literature performed requires an additional dedication to practice and personal excellence. Occasional extra rehearsals are required for participation and the ensemble may travel a few times during the season.

Small Ensembles
Members are free to organize their own self-directed smaller groups, rehearsing on their own, with the possibility of performing from time to time. Such groups have included flute trio, clarinet choir, sax quartet and Dixieland combo.